Saturday, May 30, 2015

I am going to tell you a little bit about Carefree acti-fresh pantiliners. These are made for those not so fresh days,when you aren't sure if your period is getting ready to start or not,or you just like the fresh feeling you get with wearing a pantiliner everyday.They are so thin,you will forget you have a liner on. They also contain an odor control ingredient,that lasts up to 8 hours on those busy days you have. 

"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."

Thursday, May 14, 2015


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Hi my name is Carrie and I am a mother of two and a grandmother of two. I enjoy watching videos of  Freebies, Cooking and Amazon Reviews. I do Amazon Reviews, I like reading,walking and listening to music. I am computer illiterate so this is a brand new experience for me.